Teeth Extractions

Teeth Extraction

Gentle Implant, Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry

A tooth extraction is the process of removing a tooth from the mouth by pulling it from its socket. This treatment is generally recommended when a severely damaged tooth cannot be properly repaired or when a tooth is getting in the way of other teeth inside the mouth. Regardless of the reason, our experts will work to make your tooth extraction an easy and stress-free process so that you can quickly move on to improving your oral health after the procedure has been completed.

Before conducting a tooth extraction, digital X-rays will typically be taken so that we can determine the safest way to remove the tooth. When it’s time to pull the tooth, a local anesthetic will be used to numb the area so that virtually no pain is experienced during the process. We may also provide oral sedation or laughing gas if necessary. Most patients find that a tooth extraction is a largely painless procedure, though it is common to feel a sensation of pressure at the extraction site as the tooth is being pulled.

Once the tooth has been removed, you will be asked to bite down on a piece of gauze for roughly 30 minutes. This will allow a blood clot to form at the extraction site in order to control the bleeding. It is normal to experience a small amount of bleeding for roughly 24 hours after the extraction. During this time, you must be very careful not to disturb the blood clot in any way.

To reduce swelling, our experts recommend using ice packs on the outer cheek near the extraction site. In the following days, you may want to avoid tough or chewy foods in order to prevent aggravating the area. Once 24 hours have passed, you may gently rinse the mouth with warm salt water to help keep the extraction site clean. You will also want to avoid smoking, using a straw, spitting, consuming drugs or alcohol and participating in intensive exercise for at least one day following a tooth extraction.

We also provide wisdom teeth extractions. A person usually develops their wisdom teeth when they are in their late teens or early twenties. Almost everyone has these late-forming teeth removed due to the lack of available space for them inside the mouth and the severe angle that they tend to grow at. It is typically recommended that a patient has their wisdom teeth removed early on to prevent them from becoming a serious problem and requiring a more complicated oral surgery to be performed.

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