When dealing with certain oral health conditions or problems, the experts at Krause Dental may decide that performing oral surgery is the best method of treatment. We take great pride in using the latest and most advanced techniques in oral surgery so that we can achieve the best possible results every single time. Patient comfort is always a top priority, and our team will do everything possible to ensure that your unique needs are fully met before, during and after treatment. Our goal is to help make your oral surgery as easy and as painless as possible so that you can focus solely on improving your oral health after the procedure.
Patients receive oral surgery at our practice for many reasons, including:
In order to maximize your comfort during oral surgery, our team will provide methods of dental sedation that are designed to reduce pain and decrease anxiety. Whenever dental sedation is provided, the process will be heavily monitored to prevent you from experiencing any unwanted side-effects. These methods of dental sedation include:
At Krause Dental, our team is highly trained and very experienced. We take every precaution possible to make sure that our oral surgeries are extremely safe.
Many people suffer from a deteriorated or decayed jawbone. When this problem occurs, it can cause severe pain and possibly tooth loss. A damaged jawbone can also make it difficult to install dental implants since a certain a strong jawbone is required to support the titanium structures. Fortunately, modern bone grafting procedures can be used to regenerate the lost bone and improve one’s oral health.
At Krause Dental, we employ the latest techniques in bone grafting so that we can quickly and effectively restore a deteriorated jawbone to full health. The process consists of placing artificial bone material and specialized proteins directly at the site of the damaged bone. This will stimulate new bone growth and help the structure properly regenerate. As the jawbone returns to its proper form, the graft material will be safely absorbed by the body, eventually being replaced entirely by natural bone material.
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